Quick Start Guide
Let's get you started with RLGym by installing it with RocketSim and training a basic Rocket League agent using RLGym-PPO. We'll set up a training environment, configure a learner, and get training. We'll use default settings here, but you can adjust these later to tune how your agent learns.
First, let's get RLGym with RocketSim support and install RLGym-PPO:
pip install rlgym[rl-sim]
pip install git+https://github.com/AechPro/rlgym-ppo
If you have an NVIDIA GPU, grab PyTorch with CUDA support from pytorch.org to speed up training.
Training Your First Agent
Now we'll set up a 2v2 rocket league environment with standard kickoff positions. The environment will tell the agent what's happening in the game and reward it for scoring goals and touching the ball. While normal matches last 5 minutes, we'll add a 30-second timeout if the agent doesn't touch the ball - this helps avoid wasting time on unproductive training episodes.
The code below configures the 2v2 environment and initializes training using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO):
def build_rlgym_v2_env():
from rlgym.api import RLGym
from rlgym.rocket_league.action_parsers import LookupTableAction, RepeatAction
from rlgym.rocket_league.done_conditions import GoalCondition, NoTouchTimeoutCondition, TimeoutCondition, AnyCondition
from rlgym.rocket_league.obs_builders import DefaultObs
from rlgym.rocket_league.reward_functions import CombinedReward, GoalReward, TouchReward
from rlgym.rocket_league.sim import RocketSimEngine
from rlgym.rocket_league.state_mutators import MutatorSequence, FixedTeamSizeMutator, KickoffMutator
from rlgym.rocket_league import common_values
from rlgym_ppo.util import RLGymV2GymWrapper
import numpy as np
spawn_opponents = True
team_size = 2
blue_team_size = team_size
orange_team_size = team_size if spawn_opponents else 0
action_repeat = 8
no_touch_timeout_seconds = 30
game_timeout_seconds = 300
action_parser = RepeatAction(LookupTableAction(), repeats=action_repeat)
termination_condition = GoalCondition()
truncation_condition = AnyCondition(NoTouchTimeoutCondition(timeout_seconds=no_touch_timeout_seconds), TimeoutCondition(timeout_seconds=game_timeout_seconds))
reward_fn = CombinedReward((GoalReward(), 10), (TouchReward(), 0.1))
obs_builder = DefaultObs(zero_padding=None,
pos_coef=np.asarray([1 / common_values.SIDE_WALL_X, 1 / common_values.BACK_NET_Y, 1 / common_values.CEILING_Z]),
ang_coef=1 / np.pi,
lin_vel_coef=1 / common_values.CAR_MAX_SPEED,
ang_vel_coef=1 / common_values.CAR_MAX_ANG_VEL,
boost_coef=1 / 100.0,)
state_mutator = MutatorSequence(FixedTeamSizeMutator(blue_size=blue_team_size, orange_size=orange_team_size),
rlgym_env = RLGym(
return RLGymV2GymWrapper(rlgym_env)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from rlgym_ppo import Learner
# 32 processes
n_proc = 32
# educated guess - could be slightly higher or lower
min_inference_size = max(1, int(round(n_proc * 0.9)))
learner = Learner(build_rlgym_v2_env,
ppo_batch_size=50000, # batch size - set this number to as large as your GPU can handle
policy_layer_sizes=[2048, 2048, 1024, 1024], # policy network
critic_layer_sizes=[2048, 2048, 1024, 1024], # value network
ts_per_iteration=50000, # timesteps per training iteration - set this equal to the batch size
exp_buffer_size=150000, # size of experience buffer - keep this 2 - 3x the batch size
ppo_minibatch_size=50000, # minibatch size - set this less than or equal to the batch size
ppo_ent_coef=0.01, # entropy coefficient - this determines the impact of exploration on the policy
policy_lr=5e-5, # policy learning rate
critic_lr=5e-5, # value function learning rate
ppo_epochs=1, # number of PPO epochs
save_every_ts=1_000_000, # save every 1M steps
timestep_limit=1_000_000_000, # Train for 1B steps
For a more complete guide to training your first agent, refer to our Rocket League tutorial on training an agent.